Source code for soma_workflow.client_types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

author: Soizic Laguitton

organization: I2BM, Neurospin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
organization: CATI, France
organization: U{IFR 49

license: CeCILL version: 2

# Imports

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings
import sys
import soma_workflow.constants as constants
import re
import importlib

# python2/3 compatibility

import six
from six.moves import range

# Classes and functions

class Job(object):

    Job representation.

    .. note::
      The command is the only argument required to create a Job.
      It is also useful to fill the job name for the workflow display in the GUI.

    **Parallel jobs**

    When a job is designed to run on multiple processors, cluster managements systems normally do the necessary work to run or duplicate the job processes on multiple computing nodes. There are basically 3 classical ways to do it:

      * use MPI (whatever implementation): job commands are run through a launcher program (``mpirun``) which will run the processes and establish inter-process communications.
      * use OpenMP: this threading-based system allows to use several cores on the same computing node (using shared memory). The OpenMP allows to use the required nuber of threads.
      * manual threading or forking ("native" mode).

    In all cases one job runs on several processors/cores. The MPI variant additionally allows to run the same job on several computing nodes (which do not share memory), the others should run on the same node (as far as I know - I'm not an expert of OpenMP). The job specifications should then precise which kind of parallelism they are using, the number of nodes the job should run on, and the number of CPU cores which should be allocated on each node. Thus the **parallel_job_info** variable of a job is a dictionary giving these 3 information, under the respective keys `config_name`, `nodes_number` and `cpu_per_node`. In OpenMP and native modes, the nodes_number should be 1.


    command: sequence of string or/and FileTransfer or/and SharedResourcePath or/and TemporaryPath or/and tuple (FileTransfer, relative_path) or/and sequence of FileTransfer or/and sequence of SharedResourcePath or/and sequence of tuple (FileTransfer, relative_path)
        The command to execute. It can not be empty. In case of a shared file system
        the command is a sequence of string.

        In the other cases, the FileTransfer, SharedResourcePath, and TemporaryPath
        objects will be replaced by the appropriate path before the job execution.

        The tuples (FileTransfer, relative_path) can be used to refer to a file in a
        transfered directory.

        The sequences of FileTransfer, SharedResourcePath or tuple (FileTransfer,
        relative_path) will be replaced by the string "['path1', 'path2', 'path3']"
        before the job execution. The FileTransfer, SharedResourcePath or tuple
        (FileTransfer, relative_path) are replaced by the appropriate path inside
        the sequence.

    name: string
        Name of the Job which will be displayed in the GUI

    referenced_input_files: sequence of SpecialPath (FileTransfer, TemporaryPath...)
        List of the FileTransfer which are input of the Job. In other words,
        FileTransfer which are requiered by the Job to run. It includes the
        stdin if you use one.

    referenced_output_files: sequence of SpecialPath (FileTransfer, TemporaryPath...)
        List of the FileTransfer which are output of the Job. In other words,
        the FileTransfer which will be created or modified by the Job.

    stdin: string or FileTransfer or SharedResourcePath
        Path to the file which will be read as input stream by the Job.

    join_stderrout: boolean
        Specifies whether the error stream should be mixed with the output stream.

    stdout_file: string or FileTransfer or SharedResourcePath
        Path of the file where the standard output stream of the job will be

    stderr_file: string or FileTransfer or SharedResourcePath
        Path of the file where the standard error stream of the job will be

        .. note::
          Set stdout_file and stderr_file only if you need to redirect the
          standard output to a specific file. Indeed, even if they are not set
          the standard outputs will always be available through the
          WorklfowController API.

    working_directory: string or FileTransfer or SharedResourcePath
        Path of the directory where the job will be executed. The working directory
        is useful if your Job uses relative file path for example.

    priority: int
        Job priority: 0 = low priority. If several Jobs are ready to run at the
        same time the jobs with higher priority will be submitted first.

    native_specification: string
        Some specific option/function of the computing resource you want to use
        might not be available among the list of Soma-workflow Job attributes.
        Use the native specification attribute to use these specific functionalities.
        If a native_specification is defined here, the configured native
        specification will be ignored (documentation configuration item: NATIVE_SPECIFICATION).

        *Example:* Specification of a job walltime and more:

        * using a PBS cluster: native_specification="-l walltime=10:00:00,pmem=16gb"
        * using a SGE cluster: native_specification="-l h_rt=10:00:00"

    parallel_job_info: dict
        The parallel job information must be set if the Job is parallel (ie. made to
        run on several CPU).
        The parallel job information is a dict, with the following supported items:

        * config_name: name of the configuration (native, MPI, OpenMP)
        * nodes_number: number of computing nodes used by the Job,
        * cpu_per_node: number of CPU or cores needed for each node

        The configuration name is the type of parallel Job. Example: MPI or OpenMP.

        .. warning::
          The computing resources must be configured explicitly to use this feature.

    user_storage: picklable object
        Should have been any small and picklable object for user need but was never
        fully implemented. This parameter is simply ignored.

    env: dict(string, string)
        Environment variables to use when the job gets executed.

    param_dict: dict
        New in 3.1.
        Optional dictionary for job "parameters values". In case of dynamic
        outputs from a job, downstream jobjs values have to be set accordingly
        during the workflow execution. Thus we must be able to know how to
        replace the parameters values in the commandline. To do so, jobs should
        provide commandlines not with builtin values, but with replacement
        strings, and a dict of parameters with names::

            command = ['cp', '%(source)s', '%(dest)s']
            param_dict = {'source': '/data/file1.txt',
                          'dest': '/data/file2.txt'}

        Parameters names can be linked in the workflow to some other jobs

    use_input_params_file: bool
        if True, input parameters from the param_dict will not be passed using
        substitutions in the commandline, but through a JSON file.

    has_outputs: bool
        New in 3.1.
        Set if the job will write a special JSON file which contains output
        parameters values, when the job is a process with outputs.

    input_params_file: string or FileTransfer or SharedResourcePath
        Path to the file which will contain input parameters of the

    output_params_file: string or FileTransfer or SharedResourcePath
        Path to the file which will be written for output parameters of the

    disposal_timeout: int
        Only requiered outside of a workflow

    # sequence of sequence of string or/and FileTransfer or/and
    # SharedResourcePath or/and tuple (relative_path, FileTransfer) or/and
    # sequence of FileTransfer or/and sequence of SharedResourcePath or/and
    # sequence of tuple (relative_path, FileTransfers.)
    command = None

    # string
    name = None

    # sequence of FileTransfer
    referenced_input_files = None

    # sequence of FileTransfer
    referenced_output_files = None

    # string (path)
    stdin = None

    # boolean
    join_stderrout = None

    # string (path)
    stdout_file = None

    # string (path)
    stderr_file = None

    # string (path)
    working_directory = None

    # int
    priority = None

    # string
    native_specification = None

    # tuple(string, int)
    parallel_job_info = None

    # int (in hours)
    disposal_timeout = None

    # any small and picklable object needed by the user
    user_storage = None

    # dict (name -> value)
    env = None

    # dict (dst_job -> dict(dst_param_name: (src_job, src_param_name))
    param_dict = {}

    # bool
    use_input_params_file = False

    # bool
    has_outputs = False

    # string (path)
    input_params_file = None

    # string (path)
    output_params_file = None

    # dict (config options)
    configuration = {}

    def __init__(self,
        if not name and len(command) != 0:
   = command[0]
   = name
        self.command = command
        if referenced_input_files:
            self.referenced_input_files = referenced_input_files
            self.referenced_input_files = []
        if referenced_output_files:
            self.referenced_output_files = referenced_output_files
            self.referenced_output_files = []
        self.stdin = stdin
        self.join_stderrout = join_stderrout
        self.disposal_timeout = disposal_timeout
        self.stdout_file = stdout_file
        self.stderr_file = stderr_file
        self.working_directory = working_directory
        self.parallel_job_info = parallel_job_info
        self.priority = priority
        self.native_specification = native_specification
        self.env = env
        self.param_dict = param_dict or dict()
        self.use_input_params_file = use_input_params_file
        self.has_outputs = has_outputs
        self.input_params_file = input_params_file
        self.output_params_file = output_params_file
        self.configuration = configuration

        # this deson't seem to be really hamful.
        # for command_elem in self.command:
        #     if isinstance(command_elem, six.string_types):
        #         if "'" in command_elem:
        #             warnings.warn("%s contains single quote. It could fail using DRMAA"
        #                           % command_elem, UserWarning)

    def _attributes_equal(self, element, other_element):
        if element.__class__ is not other_element.__class__:
            # special case str / unicode
            if not isinstance(element, six.string_types) or not isinstance(element, six.string_types):
                # print('differ in class:', element.__class__,
                # other_element.__class__)
                return False
        if isinstance(element, FileTransfer) or \
            isinstance(element, SharedResourcePath) or \
                isinstance(element, TemporaryPath) or \
                isinstance(element, OptionPath):
            return element.attributs_equal(other_element)

        if isinstance(element, (list, tuple)):
            if len(element) != len(other_element):
                # print('len differ:', len(element), '!=', len(other_element))
                return False
            for i in range(0, len(element)):
                if not self._attributes_equal(element[i], other_element[i]):
                    # print('list element differ:', element[i], '!=',
                    # other_element[i])
                    return False
            return True

        if isinstance(element, dict):
            if sorted(element.keys()) != sorted(other_element.keys()):
                return False
            for key, item in six.iteritems(element):
                other_item = other_element[key]
                if not self._attributes_equal(item, other_item):
                    return False
            return True

        return element == other_element

    def get_commandline(self):
        return self.commandline_repl(self.command)

    def commandline_repl(self, command):
        Get "processed" commandline list. Each element in the commandline list
        which contains a replacement string in the shame %(var)s is replaced
        using the param_dict values.
        # return [x % self.param_dict for x in self.command]
        if not self.param_dict:
            return command
        cmd = []
        r = re.compile('%\((.+)\)[dsf]')
        for e in command:
            if isinstance(e, (list, tuple)):
                m = r.split(e)
                t = False
                for i in range(int(len(m) / 2)):
                    var = m[i * 2 + 1]
                    value = self.param_dict.get(var)
                    if value is not None:
                        t = True
                        value = '%%(%s)s' % var
                    m[i * 2 + 1] = value
                if not t:
                    if len(m) > 3 or m[0] != '' or m[2] != '':
                        # if m[0] == '':
                            # m = m[1:]
                        # if m[-1] == '':
                            # m = m[:-1]
                        # WARNING: returns a string, losing
                        # SpecialPath instances
        return cmd

    def attributs_equal(self, other):
        # TODO a better solution would be to overload __eq__ and __neq__ operator
        # however these operators are used in soma-workflow to test if
        # two objects are the same instance. These tests have to be replaced
        # first using the id python function.
        if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
            return False

        attributes = [
        for attr_name in attributes:
            attr = getattr(self, attr_name)
            other_attr = getattr(other, attr_name)
            if not self._attributes_equal(attr, other_attr):
                # print('differ in:', attr_name)
                # print(attr, '!=', other_attr)
                return False
        return True

    def from_dict(cls,
         * d *dictionary*
         * tr_from_id *id -> FileTransfer*
         * srp_from_id *id -> SharedResourcePath*
         * tmp_from_ids *id -> TemporaryPath*
         * opt_from_ids *id -> OptionPath*
        job = cls(command=d["command"],
                  configuration=d.get("configuration", {}))
        for key, value in six.iteritems(d):
            setattr(job, key, value)

        new_command = list_from_serializable(job.command,
        job.command = new_command

        if job.referenced_input_files:
            ref_in_files = list_from_serializable(job.referenced_input_files,
            job.referenced_input_files = ref_in_files

        if job.referenced_output_files:
            ref_out_files = list_from_serializable(job.referenced_output_files,
            job.referenced_output_files = ref_out_files

        if job.stdin:
            job.stdin = from_serializable(job.stdin,
        if job.stdout_file:
            job.stdout_file = from_serializable(job.stdout_file,
        if job.stderr_file:
            job.stderr_file = from_serializable(job.stderr_file,
        if job.working_directory:
            job.working_directory = from_serializable(job.working_directory,
        if job.output_params_file:
            job.output_params_file = from_serializable(job.output_params_file,
        job.param_dict = {}
        for k, v in six.iteritems(d.get('param_dict', {})):
            job.param_dict[k] = from_serializable(v, tr_from_ids,

        return job

    def to_dict(self,
        * id_generator *IdGenerator*
        * transfer_ids *dict: client.FileTransfer -> int*
            This dictonary will be modified.
        * shared_res_path_id *dict: client.SharedResourcePath -> int*
            This dictonary will be modified.
        * tmp_ids *dict: client.TemporaryPath -> int*
        * opt_ids *dict: client.OptionPath -> int*
        job_dict = {}

        attributes = [

        job_dict["class"] = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__module__,

        for attr_name in attributes:
            if hasattr(self, attr_name):
                job_dict[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name)

        # command, referenced_input_files, referenced_output_files
        # stdin, stdout_file, stderr_file and working_directory
        # can contain FileTransfer et SharedResourcePath.

        ser_command = list_to_serializable(self.command,

        job_dict['command'] = ser_command

        if self.referenced_input_files:
            ser_ref_in_files = list_to_serializable(
            job_dict['referenced_input_files'] = ser_ref_in_files

        if self.referenced_output_files:
            ser_ref_out_files = list_to_serializable(
            job_dict['referenced_output_files'] = ser_ref_out_files

        if self.stdin:
            job_dict['stdin'] = to_serializable(self.stdin,

        if self.stdout_file:
            job_dict['stdout_file'] = to_serializable(self.stdout_file,

        if self.stderr_file:
            job_dict['stderr_file'] = to_serializable(self.stderr_file,

        if self.input_params_file:
            job_dict['input_params_file'] \
                = to_serializable(self.input_params_file,

        if self.output_params_file:
            job_dict['output_params_file'] \
                = to_serializable(self.output_params_file,

        if self.working_directory:
                'working_directory'] = to_serializable(self.working_directory,

        if self.param_dict:
            param_dict = {}
            for k, v in six.iteritems(self.param_dict):
                param_dict[k] = to_serializable(v, id_generator,
            job_dict['param_dict'] = param_dict

        return job_dict

    def __getstate__(self):
        # filter out some instance attributes which should / can not be pickled
        no_picke = getattr(self, '_do_not_pickle', None)
        state_dict = self.__dict__
        if not no_picke:
            return state_dict
        copied = False
        for attribute in no_picke:
            if hasattr(self, attribute):
                if not copied:
                    state_dict = dict(state_dict)
                    copied = True
                del state_dict[attribute]
        return state_dict

class EngineExecutionJob(Job):

    EngineExecutionJob: a lightweight job which will not run as a "real" job,
    but as a python function, on the engine server side.

    Such jobs are meant to perform fast, simple operations on their inputs in
    order to produce modified inputs for other downstream jobs, such as string
    substituitons, lists manipulations, etc. As they will run in the engine
    process (generally the jobs submission machine) they should not perform
    expensive processing (CPU or memory-consuming).

    They are an alternative to link functions in Workflows.

    The only method an EngineExecutionJob defines is :meth:`engine_execution`,
    which will be able to use its parameters dict (as defined in its param_dict
    as any other job), and will return an output parameters dict.

    Warning: the :meth:`engine_execution` is actually a **class method**, not a
    regular instance method. The reason for this is that it will be used with
    an :class:`~soma_workflow.engine_types.EngineJob` instance, which inherits
    :class:`Job`, but not the exact subclass. Thus in the method, ``self`` is
    not a real instance of the class.

    The default implementation just passes its input parameters as outputs in
    order to allow later jobs to reuse their parameters. Subclasses define
    their own :meth:`engine_execution` methods.

    See :ref:`engine_execution_job` for more details.
    def engine_execution(cls, self):
        output_dict = dict(self.param_dict)
        return output_dict

class BarrierJob(EngineExecutionJob):

    Barrier job: it is a "fake" job which does nothing (and will not become a
    real job on the DRMS) but has dependencies.
    It may be used to make a dependencies hub, to avoid too many dependencies
    with fully connected jobs sets.

    BarrierJob is implemented as an EngineExecutionJob, and just differs in its
    name, as its :meth:`~EngineExecutionJob.engine_execution` method does

      (Job1, Job2, Job3) should be all connected to (Job4, Job5, Job6)
      needs 3*3 = 9 (N^2) dependencies.
      With a barrier: ::

        Job1              Job4
              \         /
        Job2 -- Barrier -- Job5
              /         \.
        Job3              Job6

      needs 6 (2*N).

    BarrierJob constructor accepts only a subset of Job constructor parameter:




    def __init__(self,
        super(BarrierJob, self).__init__(command=[],

    def from_dict(cls,
         * d *dictionary*
         * tr_from_id *id -> FileTransfer*
         * srp_from_id *id -> SharedResourcePath*
         * tmp_from_ids *id -> TemporaryPath*
         * opt_from_ids *id -> OptionPath*
        job = cls()
        for key, value in six.iteritems(d):
            setattr(job, key, value)

        if job.referenced_input_files:
            ref_in_files = list_from_serializable(job.referenced_input_files,
            job.referenced_input_files = ref_in_files

        if job.referenced_output_files:
            ref_out_files = list_from_serializable(job.referenced_output_files,
            job.referenced_output_files = ref_out_files

        return job

    def to_dict(self,
        * id_generator *IdGenerator*
        * transfer_ids *dict: client.FileTransfer -> int*
            This dictonary will be modified.
        * shared_res_path_id *dict: client.SharedResourcePath -> int*
            This dictonary will be modified.
        * tmp_ids *dict: client.TemporaryPath -> int*
        * opt_ids *dict: client.OptionPath -> int*
        job_dict = {}

        attributes = [

        for attr_name in attributes:
            job_dict[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name)

        # referenced_input_files, referenced_output_files
        # stdin, stdout_file, stderr_file and working_directory
        # can contain FileTransfer et SharedResourcePath.

        job_dict["class"] = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__module__,

        if self.referenced_input_files:
            ser_ref_in_files = list_to_serializable(
            job_dict['referenced_input_files'] = ser_ref_in_files

        if self.referenced_output_files:
            ser_ref_out_files = list_to_serializable(
            job_dict['referenced_output_files'] = ser_ref_out_files

        return job_dict

[docs]class Workflow(object): ''' Workflow representation. Attributes ---------- name: string Name of the workflow which will be displayed in the GUI. Default: workflow_id once submitted jobs: sequence of Job Workflow jobs. dependencies: sequence of tuple (element, element), element being Job or Group Dependencies between the jobs of the workflow. If a job_a needs to be executed before a job_b can run: the tuple (job_a, job_b) must be added to the workflow dependencies. job_a and job_b must belong to In Soma-Workflow 2.7 or higher, dependencies may use groups. In this case, dependencies are replaced internally to setup the groups jobs dependencies. 2 additional barrier jobs (see BarrierJob) are used for each group. root_group: *sequence of Job and/or Group* Recursive description of the workflow hierarchical structure. For displaying purpose only. .. note:: root_group is only used to display nicely the workflow in the GUI. It does not have any impact on the workflow execution. If root_group is not set, all the jobs of the workflow will be displayed at the root level in the GUI tree view. user_storage: picklable object For the user needs, any small and picklable object can be stored here. env: dict(string, string) Environment variables to use when the job gets executed. The workflow- level env variables are set to all jobs. env_builder_code: string python source code. This code will be executed from the engine, on server side, but not in a processing node (in a separate python process in order not to pollute the engine process) when a workflow is starting. The code should print on the standard output a json dictionary of environment variables, which will be set into all jobs, in addition to the *env* variable above. param_links: dict New in 3.1. Job parameters links. Links are in the following shape:: dest_job: {dest_param: [(source_job, param, <function>), ...]} Links are used to get output values from jobs which have completed their run, and to set them into downstream jobs inputs. This system allows "dynamic outputs" in workflows. The optional function item is the name of a function that will be called to transform values from the source to the destination of the link at runtime. It is basically a string "module.function", or a tuple for passing some arguments (as in partial): ("module.function", 12, "param"). The function is called with additional arguments: parameter name, parameter value, destination parameter name, destination parameter current value. The destination parameter value is typically used to build / update a list in the destination job from a series of values in source jobs. See :ref:`params_link_functions` for details. ''' # string name = None # sequence of Job jobs = None # sequence of tuple (Job, Job) dependencies = None # sequence of Job and/or Group root_group = None # sequence of Groups built from the root_group groups = None # any small and picklable object needed by the user user_storage = None # environment variables env = {} # environment builder code env_builder_code = None param_links = {} def __init__(self, jobs, dependencies=None, root_group=None, disposal_timeout=168, user_storage=None, name=None, env={}, env_builder_code=None, param_links=None): ''' In Soma-Workflow 3.1, some "jobs outputs" have been added. This concept is somewhat contradictory with the commandline execution model, which basically does not produce outputs other than files. To handle this, jobs which actually produce "outputs" (names parameters with output values) should write a JSON file containing the output values dictionary. Output values are then read by Soma-Workflow, and values are set in the downstream jobs which depend on these values. For this, "parameters links" have been added, to tell Soma-Workflow which input parameters should be replaced by output parameter values from an upstream job. param_links is an (optional) dict which specifies these links:: {dest_job: {dest_param: [(source_job, param, <function>), ...]}} Such links de facto define new jobs dependencies, which are added to the dependencies manually specified. The optional function item is the name of a function that will be called to transform values from the source to the destination of the link at runtime. It is basically a string "module.function", or a tuple for passing some arguments (as in partial): ("module.function", 12, "param"). The function is called with additional arguments: parameter name, parameter value, destination parameter name, destination parameter current value. The destination parameter value is typically used to build / update a list in the destination job from a series of values in source jobs. Parameters ---------- jobs dependencies root_group disposal_timeout user_storage name env env_builder_code param_links ''' import logging logging.debug("Within Workflow constructor") = name = jobs if dependencies != None: self.dependencies = dependencies else: self.dependencies = [] self.disposal_timeout = disposal_timeout # Groups if root_group: if isinstance(root_group, Group): self.root_group = root_group.elements else: self.root_group = root_group self.groups = [] to_explore = [] for element in self.root_group: if isinstance(element, Group): to_explore.append(element) while to_explore: group = to_explore.pop() self.groups.append(group) for element in group.elements: if isinstance(element, Group): to_explore.append(element) else: # self.root_group = self.groups = [] # replace groups in deps self.__convert_group_dependencies() if not root_group: self.root_group = self.env = env self.env_builder_code = env_builder_code self.param_links = param_links or dict() self.add_dependencies_from_links()
[docs] def add_workflow(self, workflow, as_group=None): ''' Concatenates a workflow into the current one. Parameters ---------- workflow: Workflow workflow to be added to self as_group: string (optional) if specified, the workflow will be added as a group with the given name Returns ------- group or None if as_group is specified, the group created for the sub-workflow will be returned, otherwise the function returns None. ''' += if type(self.dependencies) in (list, tuple): self.dependencies += workflow.dependencies else: # assume set self.dependencies.update(workflow.dependencies) if as_group: group = Group(workflow.root_group, name=as_group) self.root_group.append(group) self.groups += [group] + workflow.groups else: group = None self.root_group += workflow.root_group self.groups += workflow.groups self.param_links.update(workflow.param_links) self.env.update(workflow.env) # self.env_builder_code ? return group
[docs] def add_dependencies(self, dependencies): ''' Add additional dependencies in the workflow. ''' if type(self.dependencies) in (list, tuple): self.dependencies += dependencies else: # assume set self.dependencies.update(dependencies) self.__convert_group_dependencies(dependencies)
def attributs_equal(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False seq_attributes = [ "jobs", "dependencies", "root_group", "groups" ] for attr_name in seq_attributes: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) other_attr = getattr(other, attr_name) if not len(attr) == len(other_attr): return False for i in range(0, len(attr)): if isinstance(attr[i], Job) or\ isinstance(attr[i], Group): if not attr[i].attributs_equal(other_attr[i]): return False elif isinstance(attr[i], tuple): if not isinstance(other_attr[i], tuple) or\ not len(attr[i]) == len(other_attr[i]): return False if not attr[i][0].attributs_equal(other_attr[i][0]): return False if not attr[i][1].attributs_equal(other_attr[i][1]): return False elif not attr[i] == other_attr[i]: return False return == and self.env == other.env \ and self.env_builder_code == other.env_builder_code \ and self.param_links == other.param_links
[docs] def to_dict(self): ''' The keys must be string to serialize with JSON. ''' id_generator = IdGenerator() job_ids = {} # Job -> id wf_dict = {} wf_dict["name"] = new_jobs = [] for job in ident = id_generator.generate_id() new_jobs.append(ident) job_ids[job] = ident wf_dict["jobs"] = new_jobs new_dependencies = [] for dep in self.dependencies: if dep[0] not in job_ids or dep[1] not in job_ids: raise Exception("Unknown jobs in dependencies.") new_dependencies.append((job_ids[dep[0]], job_ids[dep[1]])) wf_dict["dependencies"] = new_dependencies new_links = {} for dest_job, links in six.iteritems(self.param_links): wdjob = job_ids[dest_job] wlinks = {} for dest_par, linkl in six.iteritems(links): for link in linkl: wlinks.setdefault(dest_par, []).append( (job_ids[link[0]], ) + link[1:]) new_links[wdjob] = wlinks wf_dict['param_links'] = new_links group_ids = {} new_groups = [] for group in self.groups: ident = id_generator.generate_id() new_groups.append(ident) group_ids[group] = ident wf_dict["groups"] = new_groups new_root_group = [] for element in self.root_group: if element in job_ids: new_root_group.append(job_ids[element]) elif element in group_ids: new_root_group.append(group_ids[element]) else: raise Exception("Unknown root group element.") wf_dict["root_group"] = new_root_group ser_groups = {} for group, group_id in six.iteritems(group_ids): ser_groups[str(group_id)] = group.to_dict(group_ids, job_ids) wf_dict["serialized_groups"] = ser_groups ser_jobs = {} ser_barriers = {} transfer_ids = {} # FileTransfer -> id shared_res_path_ids = {} # SharedResourcePath -> id temporary_ids = {} # TemporaryPath -> id option_ids = {} # OptionPath -> id for job, job_id in six.iteritems(job_ids): ser_jobs[str(job_id)] = job.to_dict(id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_ids, temporary_ids, option_ids) wf_dict["serialized_jobs"] = ser_jobs ser_transfers = {} for file_transfer, transfer_id in six.iteritems(transfer_ids): ser_transfers[str(transfer_id)] = file_transfer.to_dict() wf_dict["serialized_file_transfers"] = ser_transfers ser_srp = {} for srp, srp_id in six.iteritems(shared_res_path_ids): ser_srp[str(srp_id)] = srp.to_dict() wf_dict["serialized_shared_res_paths"] = ser_srp ser_tmp = {} for tmpf, tmp_id in six.iteritems(temporary_ids): ser_tmp[str(tmp_id)] = tmpf.to_dict() wf_dict["serialized_temporary_paths"] = ser_tmp ser_opt = {} for optf, opt_id in six.iteritems(option_ids): ser_opt[str(opt_id)] = optf.to_dict(id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_ids, temporary_ids, option_ids) wf_dict["serialized_option_paths"] = ser_opt # user_storage user_storage = self.user_storage if hasattr(user_storage, 'to_dict'): user_storage = user_storage.to_dict() if self.env: wf_dict['env'] = self.env if self.env_builder_code is not None: wf_dict['env_builder_code'] = self.env_builder_code if hasattr(self, 'uuid'): wf_dict['uuid'] = self.uuid return wf_dict
@classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): name = d.get("name", None) # shared resource paths serialized_srp = d.get("serialized_shared_res_paths", {}) srp_from_ids = {} for srp_id, srp_d in six.iteritems(serialized_srp): srp = SharedResourcePath.from_dict(srp_d) srp_from_ids[int(srp_id)] = srp # file transfers serialized_tr = d.get("serialized_file_transfers", {}) tr_from_ids = {} for tr_id, tr_d in six.iteritems(serialized_tr): file_transfer = FileTransfer.from_dict(tr_d) tr_from_ids[int(tr_id)] = file_transfer # file transfers serialized_tmp = d.get("serialized_temporary_paths", {}) tmp_from_ids = {} for tmp_id, tmp_d in six.iteritems(serialized_tmp): temp_file = TemporaryPath.from_dict(tmp_d) tmp_from_ids[int(tmp_id)] = temp_file # option paths serialized_opt = d.get("serialized_option_paths", {}) opt_from_ids = {} for opt_id, opt_d in six.iteritems(serialized_opt): opt_file = OptionPath.from_dict( opt_d, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids) opt_from_ids[int(opt_id)] = opt_file # jobs serialized_jobs = d.get("serialized_jobs", {}) job_from_ids = {} for job_id, job_d in six.iteritems(serialized_jobs): cls_name = job_d.get("class", "soma_workflow.client_types.Job") cls_mod = cls_name.rsplit('.', 1) if len(cls_mod) == 1: jcls = sys.modules[__name__].__dict__[cls_name] else: module = importlib.import_module(cls_mod[0]) jcls = getattr(module, cls_mod[1]) job = jcls.from_dict(job_d, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids) job_from_ids[int(job_id)] = job # barrier jobs # obsolete: barriers are now part of jobs definitions, but this helps # reloading older workflows. serialized_jobs = d.get("serialized_barriers", {}) for job_id, job_d in six.iteritems(serialized_jobs): job = BarrierJob.from_dict( job_d, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids) job_from_ids[int(job_id)] = job jobs = list(job_from_ids.values()) # groups serialized_groups = d.get("serialized_groups", {}) group_from_ids = {} to_convert = list(serialized_groups.keys()) converted_or_stuck = False while not converted_or_stuck: new_converted = [] for group_id in to_convert: group = Group.from_dict(serialized_groups[group_id], group_from_ids, job_from_ids) if group != None: new_converted.append(group_id) group_from_ids[int(group_id)] = group for group_id in new_converted: to_convert.remove(group_id) converted_or_stuck = not to_convert or not new_converted groups = list(group_from_ids.values()) # WARNING, not used # root group id_root_group = d.get("root_group", []) root_group = [] for el_id in id_root_group: if el_id in group_from_ids: root_group.append(group_from_ids[el_id]) elif el_id in job_from_ids: root_group.append(job_from_ids[el_id]) # dependencies dependencies = [] id_dependencies = d.get("dependencies", []) for id_dep in id_dependencies: dep = (job_from_ids[id_dep[0]], job_from_ids[id_dep[1]]) dependencies.append(dep) # param links param_links = {} id_links = d.get("param_links", {}) for dest_job, links in six.iteritems(id_links): ddest_job = job_from_ids[int(dest_job)] dlinks = {} for lname, linkl in six.iteritems(links): dlinkl = [] for link in linkl: dsrc_job = job_from_ids[link[0]] dlinkl.append((dsrc_job, ) + tuple(link[1:])) dlinks[lname] = dlinkl param_links[ddest_job] = dlinks # user storage, TODO: handle objects in it user_storage = d.get('user_storage', None) env = d.get('env', {}) env_builder_code = d.get('env_builder_code') workflow = cls(jobs, dependencies, root_group=root_group, user_storage=user_storage, name=name, env=env, env_builder_code=env_builder_code, param_links=param_links) return workflow def __getstate__(self): # filter out some instance attributes which should / can not be pickled no_picke = getattr(self, '_do_not_pickle', None) state_dict = self.__dict__ if not no_picke: return state_dict copied = False for attribute in no_picke: if hasattr(self, attribute): if not copied: state_dict = dict(state_dict) copied = True del state_dict[attribute] return state_dict def __group_hubs(self, group, group_to_hub): ''' Replace a group with a BarrierJob pair for inputs and ouputs). All jobs inside the group depends on its input hub, and the output hub depends on all jobs in the group ''' ghubs = group_to_hub.get(group, None) if ghubs is not None: return ghubs ghubs = (BarrierJob( + '_input'), BarrierJob( + '_output')) group_to_hub[group] = ghubs if type( is list: += [ghubs[0], ghubs[1]] elif type( is set:[ghubs[0], ghubs[1]]) elif type( is tuple: = list( + [ghubs[0], ghubs[1]] else: raise TypeError('Unsupported jobs list type: %s' % repr(type( return ghubs def __group_hubs_recurs(self, group, group_to_hub): ''' Replace a group with a BarrierJob pair for inputs and ouputs). Same as __group_hubs() but also create hubs for sub-groups in group ''' groups = [group] ghubs = None while groups: group = groups.pop(0) ghubs_tmp = self.__group_hubs(group, group_to_hub) if ghubs is None: ghubs = ghubs_tmp groups += [element for element in group.elements if isinstance(element, Group)] return ghubs def __make_group_hubs_deps(self, group, group_to_hub): ''' Build and return intra-group dependencies list ''' dependencies = [] in_hub, out_hub = self.__group_hubs(group, group_to_hub) for item in group.elements: if isinstance(item, Group): # depends on a sub-group sub_hub = self.__group_hubs(item, group_to_hub) # TODO: check that these dependencies are not already here # (directly or indirectly) dependencies.append((in_hub, sub_hub[0])) dependencies.append((sub_hub[1], out_hub)) else: # regular job # TODO: check that these dependencies are not already here # (directly or indirectly) dependencies.append((in_hub, item)) dependencies.append((item, out_hub)) return dependencies def __convert_group_dependencies(self, dependencies=None): ''' Converts dependencies using groups into barrier jobs when needed Parameters ---------- dependencies: list, tuple, set (optional) dependencies list to check. If not specified, chek all dependencies in the workflow. When specified, the dependencies list should be a subset of the workflow dependencies (all must exist in self.dependencies) ''' new_deps_list = [] group_to_hub = {} deps_to_remove = [] if dependencies is None: dependencies = self.dependencies reindex = False else: reindex = True for index, dependency in enumerate(dependencies): j1, j2 = dependency if not isinstance(j1, Group) and not isinstance(j2, Group): continue if type(self.dependencies) in (list, tuple): if reindex: index = self.dependencies.index(dependency) deps_to_remove.insert(0, index) # reverse order index list else: deps_to_remove.append(dependency) if isinstance(j1, Group): # a group is replaced with a BarrierJob pair for inputs and # ouputs) ghubs = self.__group_hubs_recurs(j1, group_to_hub) j1 = ghubs[1] # replace input group with the group ouput hub if isinstance(j2, Group): # a group is replaced with a BarrierJob pair for inputs and # ouputs) ghubs = self.__group_hubs_recurs(j2, group_to_hub) j2 = ghubs[0] # replace output group with the group input hub new_deps_list.append((j1, j2)) # rebuild intra-group links for group, ghubs in six.iteritems(group_to_hub): new_deps_list += self.__make_group_hubs_deps(group, group_to_hub) if type(self.dependencies) is set: self.dependencies.difference_update(deps_to_remove) self.dependencies.update(new_deps_list) elif type(self.dependencies) is list: # remove converted dependencies for index in deps_to_remove: del self.dependencies[index] # add new ones self.dependencies += new_deps_list elif type(self.dependencies) is tuple: self.dependencies = list(self.dependencies) # remove converted dependencies for index in deps_to_remove: del self.dependencies[index] # add new ones self.dependencies += new_deps_list else: raise TypeError('Unsupported dependencies type: %s' % repr(type(self.dependencies)))
[docs]class Group(object): ''' Hierarchical structure of a workflow. .. note: It only has a displaying role and does not have any impact on the workflow execution. **elements**: *sequence of Job and/or Group* The elements (Job or Group) belonging to the group. **name**: *string* Name of the Group which will be displayed in the GUI. **user_storage**: *picklable object* For the user needs, any small and picklable object can be stored here. ''' # string name = None # sequence of Job and/or Group elements = None # any small and picklable object needed by the user user_storage = None def __init__(self, elements, name, user_storage=None): ''' @type elements: sequence of Job and/or Group @param elements: the elements belonging to the group @type name: string @param name: name of the group ''' self.elements = elements = name def attributs_equal(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if len(self.elements) != len(other.elements): return False for i in range(0, len(self.elements)): if not self.elements[i].attributs_equal(other.elements[i]): return False if != return False return True def to_dict(self, group_ids, job_ids): group_dict = {} group_dict["name"] = new_gp_elements = [] for element in self.elements: if element in job_ids: new_gp_elements.append(job_ids[element]) elif element in group_ids: new_gp_elements.append(group_ids[element]) else: raise Exception("Unknown group element.") group_dict["elements"] = new_gp_elements return group_dict @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d, group_from_ids, job_from_ids): id_elements = d["elements"] elements = [] for el_id in id_elements: if el_id in job_from_ids: elements.append(job_from_ids[el_id]) elif el_id in group_from_ids: elements.append(group_from_ids[el_id]) else: return None name = d["name"] group = cls(elements, name) return group
class SpecialPath(object): ''' Abstract base class for special file or directory path, which needs specific handling in the engine. FileTransfer, TemporaryPath, and SharedResourcePath are SpecialPath. ''' def __init__(self, path=None): super(SpecialPath, self).__init__() if isinstance(path, self.__class__): self.pattern = path.pattern self.ref = path.referent() else: self.pattern = u'%s' self.ref = None def referent(self): return self.ref if self.ref else self def __add__(self, other): res = type(self)(self) res.pattern = self.pattern + six.text_type(other) res.ref = self.referent() return res def __radd__(self, other): res = type(self)(self) res.pattern = six.text_type(other) + self.pattern res.ref = self.referent() return res def __iadd__(self, other): self.pattern += six.text_type(other) super(SpecialPath, self).__iadd__(six.text_type(other)) def __hash__(self): if self.ref: return self.referent().__hash__() return super(SpecialPath, self).__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.referent() is other.referent() def __lt__(self, other): return hash(self) < hash(other) def __gt__(self, other): return hash(self) > hash(other) def __le__(self, other): return hash(self) <= hash(other) def __ge__(self, other): return hash(self) >= hash(other)
[docs]class FileTransfer(SpecialPath): ''' File/directory transfer representation .. note:: FileTransfers objects are only required if the user and computing resources have a separate file system. **client_path**: *string* Path of the file or directory on the user's file system. **initial_status**: *constants.FILES_DO_NOT_EXIST or constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT* * constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT for workflow input files The file(s) will need to be transfered on the computing resource side * constants.FILES_DO_NOT_EXIST for workflow output files The file(s) will be created by a job on the computing resource side. **client_paths**: *sequence of string* Sequence of path. Files to transfer if the FileTransfers concerns a file series or if the file format involves several associated files or directories (see the note below). **name**: *string* Name of the FileTransfer which will be displayed in the GUI. Default: client_path + "transfer" When a file is transfered via a FileTransfer, the Job it is used in has to be built using the FileTransfer object in place of the file name in the command list. The FileTransfer object has also to be on the referenced_input_files or referenced_output_files lists in Job constructor. .. note:: Use client_paths if the transfer involves several associated files and/or directories. Examples: * file series * file format associating several file and/or directories (ex: a SPM images are stored in 2 associated files: .img and .hdr) In this case, set client_path to one the files (ex: .img) and client_paths contains all the files (ex: .img and .hdr files) In other cases (1 file or 1 directory) the client_paths must be set to None. When client_paths is not None, the server-side handling of paths is different: the server directory is used istead of files. This has slight consequences on the behaviour of the workflow: * in soma-workflow 2.6 and earlier, the commandline will be using the directory instead of a file name, which is often not what you expect. * in soma-workflow 2.7 and later, the commandline will be using the main file name (client_path) translated to the server location. This is more probably what is expected. * in any case it is possible to specify the commandline path using a tuple as commandline argument: :: myfile = FileTransfer(is_input=True, client_path='/home/bubu/plof.nii', client_paths=['/home/bubu/plof.nii', '/home/bubu/plof.nii.minf']) # job1 will work with SWF >= 2.7, not in 2.6 job1 = Job(command=['AimsFileInfo', myfile], referenced_input_files=[myfile]) # job2 will use <engine_path>/plof.nii as input job2 = Job(command=['AimsFileInfo', (myfile, 'plof.nii')], referenced_input_files=[myfile])) ''' # string _client_path = None # sequence of string _client_paths = None # constants.FILES_DO_NOT_EXIST constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT _initial_status = None # int (hours) _disposal_timeout = None # string _name = None def __init__(self, is_input, client_path=None, disposal_timeout=168, name=None, client_paths=None, ): ''' Parameters ---------- is_input: bool specifies if the files have to be transferred from the client before job execution, or back to the client after execution. client_path: string main file name disposal_timeout: int (optional) default: 168 name: string (optional) name displayed in the GUI client_paths: list (optional) when several files are involved ''' if isinstance(is_input, self.__class__): if client_path is not None or name is not None \ or client_paths is not None: raise TypeError('FileTransfer as copy constructor ' 'should have only one argument') super(FileTransfer, self).__init__(is_input) return if client_path is None: raise TypeError('FileTransfer.__init__ takes at least ' '3 arguments') super(FileTransfer, self).__init__() if name: ft_name = name else: ft_name = client_path + "transfer" = ft_name self._client_path = client_path self._disposal_timeout = disposal_timeout self._client_paths = client_paths if is_input: self._initial_status = constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT else: self._initial_status = constants.FILES_DO_NOT_EXIST @property def client_path(self): return self.referent()._client_path @client_path.setter def client_path(self, value): self.referent()._client_path = value @property def client_paths(self): return self.referent()._client_paths @client_paths.setter def client_paths(self, value): self.referent()._client_paths = value @property def initial_status(self): return self.referent()._initial_status @initial_status.setter def initial_status(self, value): self.referent()._initial_status = value @property def disposal_timeout(self): return self.referent()._disposal_timeout @disposal_timeout.setter def disposal_timeout(self, value): self.referent()._disposal_timeout = value @property def name(self): return self.referent()._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self.referent()._name = value def attributs_equal(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False attributes = [ "client_path", "client_paths", "initial_status", "disposal_timeout", "name", "pattern", ] for attr_name in attributes: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) other_attr = getattr(other, attr_name) if not other_attr == attr: return False return True def to_dict(self): transfer_dict = {} attributes = [ "client_path", "client_paths", "initial_status", "disposal_timeout", "name", "pattern", ] for attr_name in attributes: transfer_dict[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name) return transfer_dict @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): transfer = cls(is_input=True, client_path="foo") for key, value in six.iteritems(d): setattr(transfer, key, value) return transfer def __str__(self): return self.pattern % self.referent().client_path def __repr__(self): return repr(self.__str__())
[docs]class SharedResourcePath(SpecialPath): ''' Representation of path which is valid on either user's or computing resource file system. .. note:: SharedResourcePath objects are only required if the user and computing resources have a separate file system. **namespace**: *string* Namespace for the path. That way several applications can use the same identifiers without risk. **uuid**: *string* Identifier of the absolute path. **relative_path**: *string* Relative path of the file if the absolute path is a directory path. .. warning:: The namespace and uuid must exist in the translations files configured on the computing resource side. ''' _relative_path = None _namespace = None _uuid = None _disposal_timeout = None def __init__(self, relative_path, namespace=None, uuid=None, disposal_timeout=168): if isinstance(relative_path, self.__class__): if namespace is not None or uuid is not None: raise TypeError('SharedResourcePath as copy constructor ' 'should have only one argument') super(SharedResourcePath, self).__init__(relative_path) return if namespace is None or uuid is None: raise TypeError('SharedResourcePath.__init__ takes at least ' '4 arguments') super(SharedResourcePath, self).__init__() self.relative_path = relative_path self.namespace = namespace self.uuid = uuid self.disposal_timout = disposal_timeout @property def relative_path(self): return self.referent()._relative_path @relative_path.setter def relative_path(self, value): self.referent()._relative_path = value @property def namespace(self): return self.referent()._namespace @namespace.setter def namespace(self, value): self.referent()._namespace = value @property def uuid(self): return self.referent()._uuid @uuid.setter def uuid(self, value): self.referent()._uuid = value @property def disposal_timeout(self): return self.referent()._disposal_timeout @disposal_timeout.setter def disposal_timeout(self, value): self.referent()._disposal_timeout = value def attributs_equal(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False attributes = [ "relative_path", "namespace", "uuid", "disposal_timeout", "pattern", ] ref = self.referent() for attr_name in attributes: attr = getattr(ref, attr_name) other_attr = getattr(other, attr_name) if not attr == other_attr: return False return True def to_dict(self): srp_dict = {} attributes = [ "relative_path", "namespace", "uuid", "disposal_timeout", "pattern", ] ref = self.referent() for attr_name in attributes: srp_dict[attr_name] = getattr(ref, attr_name) return srp_dict @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): shared_res_path = cls(relative_path="toto", namespace="toto", uuid="toto") for key, value in six.iteritems(d): setattr(shared_res_path, key, value) return shared_res_path def __str__(self): ref = self.referent() return self.pattern % ("%s:%s:%s" % (ref.namespace, ref.uuid, ref.relative_path))
[docs]class TemporaryPath(SpecialPath): ''' Temporary file representation. This temporary file will never exist on client side: its filename will be created on server side, used during the workflow execution, and removed when not used any longer. Parameters ---------- is_directory: bool (optional) default: False disposal_timeout: int (optional) default: 168 name: string (optional) name for the TemporaryPath object, displayed in GUI for instance suffix: string (optional) suffix (typically: extension) applied to the generated file name ''' # bool _is_directory = False # int (hours) _disposal_timeout = None # string _name = None # string _suffix = None def __init__(self, is_directory=False, disposal_timeout=168, name=None, suffix=''): if isinstance(is_directory, self.__class__): if name is not None or suffix != '': raise TypeError('TemporaryPath as copy constructor should ' 'have only one argument') super(TemporaryPath, self).__init__(is_directory) return super(TemporaryPath, self).__init__() self._is_directory = is_directory self._disposal_timeout = disposal_timeout self._suffix = suffix if name is None: self._name = 'temporary' else: self._name = name @property def is_directory(self): return self.referent()._is_directory @is_directory.setter def is_directory(self, value): self.referent()._is_directory = value @property def disposal_timeout(self): return self.referent()._disposal_timeout @disposal_timeout.setter def disposal_timeout(self, value): self.referent()._disposal_timeout = value @property def name(self): return self.referent()._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self.referent()._name = value @property def suffix(self): return self.referent()._suffix @suffix.setter def suffix(self, value): self.referent()._suffix = value def attributs_equal(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False attributes = [ "is_directory", "disposal_timeout", "name", "suffix", "pattern", ] for attr_name in attributes: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) other_attr = getattr(other, attr_name) if not attr == other_attr: return False return True def to_dict(self): srp_dict = {} attributes = [ "is_directory", "disposal_timeout", "name", "suffix", "pattern", ] for attr_name in attributes: srp_dict[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name) return srp_dict @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): is_directory = d.get("is_directory", False) disposal_timeout = d.get("disposal_timeout", 168) suffix = d.get("suffix", "") temp_file = cls(is_directory=is_directory, disposal_timeout=disposal_timeout, suffix=suffix) for key, value in six.iteritems(d): setattr(temp_file, key, value) return temp_file def __str__(self): return self.pattern %
class OptionPath(SpecialPath): ''' File with reading or writing parameters given through a URI (or any other suffix system). The file can be passed as a string or as a SpecialPath object. Parameters ---------- parent_path : :obj:`str` or :obj:`SpecialPath` Path to the input file. If it is a :obj:`FileTransfer` or :obj:`TemporayPath`, this parent path should be added to the Job's referenced_input_files or referenced_output_files. uri : :obj:`str` or :obj:`dict` * If the provided URI is a string, it is tored as is and will be added at the end of the path when the server-side command is generated. A URI is of the form '?option1=value1&option2=value2'. However, since the provided `uri` is untouched, any other option passing system can be used. * If the provided URI is a dictionary, it is converted to a URI string. Each key is considered an option name, mapped to its associated value. name : :obj:`str` (optional) Name of the path. If not provided, the full client-side path + URI is used. ''' _parent_path = None _parent_type = None _uri = '' _name = None def __init__(self, parent_path=None, uri=None, name=None): # copy constructor if isinstance(parent_path, OptionPath): if not uri is None: raise TypeError('OptionPath as copy constructor should ' 'have only one argument') super(OptionPath, self).__init__(parent_path) return # normal constructor super(OptionPath, self).__init__() if isinstance(parent_path, SpecialPath): self._parent_path = parent_path else: self._parent_path = str(parent_path) self._parent_type = type(self._parent_path).__name__ if isinstance(uri, dict): from six import iteritems build_uri = '?' for key, value in iteritems(uri): build_uri += str(key) + '=' + str(value) + '&' build_uri = build_uri[:-1] self._uri = build_uri elif str(uri): self._uri = str(uri) if name is None: self._name = 'parent_path' + self._uri else: self._name = name @property def parent_type(self): return self.referent()._parent_type @property def parent_path(self): return self.referent()._parent_path @parent_path.setter def parent_path(self, value): self.referent()._path = value if isinstance(value, SpecialPath): self.referent()._parent_path = value else: self.referent()._parent_path = str(value) self.referent()._parent_type = type( self.referent()._parent_path).__name__ @property def uri(self): return self.referent()._uri @uri.setter def uri(self, value): self.referent()._uri = value @property def name(self): return self.referent()._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self.referent()._name = value def attributs_equal(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False attributes = [ "parent_type", "parent_path", "uri", "name", "pattern", ] for attr_name in attributes: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) other_attr = getattr(other, attr_name) if not attr == other_attr: return False return True def to_dict(self, id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_id, tmp_ids, opt_ids): opt_dict = {} attributes = [ "parent_type", "parent_path", "uri", "name", "pattern", ] for attr_name in attributes: if attr_name == "parent_path" and getattr(self, "parent_type") != 'str': opt_dict[attr_name] = to_serializable(getattr(self, attr_name), id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_id, tmp_ids, opt_ids) else: opt_dict[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name) return opt_dict @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids): parent_type = d.get("parent_type", "str") parent_path = d.get("parent_path", None) if parent_type != "str": parent_path = from_serializable(parent_path, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids) uri = d.get("uri", None) name = d.get("name", None) temp_file = cls(parent_path=parent_path, uri=uri, name=name) for key, value in six.iteritems(d): if not key in ("parent_path", "parent_type", "uri", "name"): setattr(temp_file, key, value) return temp_file def __str__(self): return self.pattern % ("%s%s" % (str(self.parent_path), self.uri)) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.__str__()) class IdGenerator(object): def __init__(self): self.current_id = 0 def generate_id(self): current_id = self.current_id self.current_id = self.current_id + 1 return current_id def to_serializable(element, id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_ids, tmp_ids, opt_ids): if isinstance(element, FileTransfer): if element in transfer_ids: return ('<id>', transfer_ids[element]) else: ident = id_generator.generate_id() transfer_ids[element] = ident return ('<id>', ident) elif isinstance(element, SharedResourcePath): if element in shared_res_path_ids: return ('<id>', shared_res_path_ids[element]) else: ident = id_generator.generate_id() shared_res_path_ids[element] = ident return ('<id>', ident) elif isinstance(element, TemporaryPath): if element in tmp_ids: return ('<id>', tmp_ids[element]) else: ident = id_generator.generate_id() tmp_ids[element] = ident return ('<id>', ident) elif isinstance(element, OptionPath): if element in opt_ids: return ('<id>', opt_ids[element]) else: ident = id_generator.generate_id() opt_ids[element] = ident return ('<id>', ident) elif isinstance(element, list): return list_to_serializable(element, id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_ids, tmp_ids, opt_ids) elif isinstance(element, tuple): return tuple(list_to_serializable(element, id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_ids, tmp_ids, opt_ids)) # return ["soma-workflow-tuple", # to_serializable(element[0], # id_generator, # transfer_ids, # shared_res_path_ids, # tmp_ids, # opt_ids), # element[1]] else: return element def from_serializable(element, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids): if isinstance(element, list): if len(element) == 3 and element[0] == "soma-workflow-tuple": return (from_serializable(element[1], tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids), element[2]) else: return list_from_serializable(element, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids) elif isinstance(element, tuple): if len(element) >= 1: code = element[0] if code == '<id>' and len(element) == 2: el = element[1] if el in tr_from_ids: return tr_from_ids[el] elif el in srp_from_ids: return srp_from_ids[el] elif el in tmp_from_ids: return tmp_from_ids[el] elif el in opt_from_ids: return opt_from_ids[el] return tuple( list_from_serializable(element, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids)) else: return element def list_to_serializable(list_to_convert, id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_ids, tmp_ids, opt_ids): ser_list = [] for element in list_to_convert: ser_element = to_serializable(element, id_generator, transfer_ids, shared_res_path_ids, tmp_ids, opt_ids) ser_list.append(ser_element) return ser_list def list_from_serializable(list_to_convert, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids): us_list = [] for element in list_to_convert: us_element = from_serializable(element, tr_from_ids, srp_from_ids, tmp_from_ids, opt_from_ids) us_list.append(us_element) return us_list