Source code for scheduler

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import six
import os
import inspect
import importlib
import threading

[docs]class Scheduler(object): ''' Allow to submit, kill and get the status of jobs. The Scheduler class is an abstract class which specifies the jobs management API. It has several implementations, located in ``soma_workflow.schedulers.*_scheduler``. A scheduler implementation class can be retrived using the global function :func:`get_scheduler_implementation`, or instantiated using :func:`build_scheduler`. New schedulers can be written to support computing resources types that are currently not supported (a cluster with a DRMS which has no DRMAA implementation typicalyly). The various methods of the Scheduler API have to be overloaded in this case. ''' parallel_job_submission_info = None logger = None is_sleeping = None jobs_finished_event = None def __init__(self): self.parallel_job_submission_info = None self.is_sleeping = False self.jobs_finished_event = threading.Event() def sleep(self): self.is_sleeping = True def wake(self): self.is_sleeping = False def clean(self): pass
[docs] def job_submission(self, jobs): ''' Submit a Soma-Workflow job Parameters ---------- jobs: EngineJob or list[EngineJob] Job to be submitted Returns ------- job_id: list[str] Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example, or native DRMS identifier). If some submissions failed, None is in the list instead of the job id. ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] def get_job_status(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' Parameters ---------- scheduler_job_id: string Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) Returns ------- status: string Job status as defined in constants.JOB_STATUS ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] def get_job_exit_info(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' The exit info consists of 4 values returned in a tuple: **exit_status**: string one of the constants.JOB_EXIT_STATUS values **exit_value**: int exit code of the command (normally 0 in case of success) **term_sig**: int termination signal, 0 IF ok **resource_usage**: bytes bytes string in the shape ``b'cpupercent=60 mem=13530kb cput=00:00:12'`` etc. Items may include: * cpupercent * cput * mem * vmem * ncpus * walltime Parameters ---------- scheduler_job_id: string Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) Returns ------- exit_info: tuple exit_status, exit_value, term_sig, resource_usage ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] def kill_job(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' Parameters ---------- scheduler_job_id: string Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] @classmethod def build_scheduler(cls, config): ''' Create a scheduler of the expected type, using configuration to parameterize it. Parameters ---------- config: Configuration configuration object instance ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs]def get_scheduler_implementation(scheduler_type): ''' Get the scheduler class implementation corresponding to the expected one. Parameters ---------- scheduler_type: str scheduler type: 'drmaa', 'drmaa2', 'local_basic', 'mpi', or other custom scheduler Returns ------- scheduler_class: Scheduler subclass ''' from . import schedulers if scheduler_type == 'local_basic': scheduler_type = 'local' sched_dir = os.path.dirname(schedulers.__file__) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sched_dir, '' % scheduler_type)): sched_mod = '%s_scheduler' % scheduler_type # try: module = importlib.import_module('.%s' % sched_mod, 'soma_workflow.schedulers') sched_list = [] # if there is a __main_scheduler__, just use it scheduler = getattr(module, '__main_scheduler__', None) if scheduler is not None: return scheduler for element in six.itervalues(module.__dict__): if element in sched_list: continue # avoid duplicates if inspect.isclass(element) and element is not Scheduler \ and issubclass(element, Scheduler): sched_list.append(element) if element.__name__.lower() == ('%sscheduler' % scheduler_type).lower(): # fully matching return element if len(sched_list) == 1: # unambiguous return sched_list[0] if len(sched_list) == 0: print('Warning: module soma_workflow.schedulers.%s contains ' 'no scheduler:' % sched_mod) else: print('Warning: module soma_workflow.schedulers.%s contains ' 'several schedulers:' % sched_mod) print([s.__name__ for s in sched_list]) # except ImportError: raise NameError('scheduler type %s is not found' % scheduler_type)
[docs]def build_scheduler(scheduler_type, config): ''' Create a scheduler of the expected type, using configuration to parameterize it. Parameters ---------- scheduler_type: string type of scheduler to be built config: Configuration configuration object Returns ------- scheduler: Scheduler Scheduler instance ''' scheduler_class = get_scheduler_implementation(scheduler_type) scheduler = scheduler_class.build_scheduler(config) return scheduler
[docs]def get_schedulers_list(): ''' List all available installed schedulers Returns ------- schedulers: list schedulers list. Each item is a tuple (name, enabled) ''' from . import schedulers dirname = os.path.dirname(schedulers.__file__) sched_files = os.listdir(dirname) schedulers = [] for sched_file in sched_files: if sched_file.endswith(''): sched_mod = sched_file[:-3] enabled = True try: module = importlib.import_module('.%s' % sched_mod, 'soma_workflow.schedulers') except NotImplementedError: continue # skip not implemented / unfinished ones except Exception: enabled = False if sched_mod == 'local_scheduler': sched_mod = 'local_basic_scheduler' sched = sched_mod[:-10] schedulers.append((sched, enabled)) return schedulers