Source code for client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

@author: Soizic Laguitton

@organization: I2BM, Neurospin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
@organization: CATI, France
@organization: U{IFR 49<>}

@license: U{CeCILL version 2<>}

# Imports

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import os.path as osp
import hashlib
import stat
import operator
import random
import pickle
import types
import sys
import posixpath
import logging
import six
import tempfile

import json
# import cProfile
# import traceback

import soma_workflow.connection as connection
from soma_workflow.transfer import PortableRemoteTransfer, TransferSCP, TransferRsync, TransferMonitoring, TransferLocal
import soma_workflow.constants as constants
import soma_workflow.configuration as configuration
from soma_workflow.errors import TransferError, SerializationError, SomaWorkflowError

# Classes and functions

# imports required by the users of soma-workflow API (do not remove):
from soma_workflow.client_types import Job
from soma_workflow.client_types import EngineExecutionJob
from soma_workflow.custom_jobs import BarrierJob
from soma_workflow.custom_jobs import MapJob
from soma_workflow.custom_jobs import ReduceJob
from soma_workflow.custom_jobs import ListCatJob
from soma_workflow.custom_jobs import LeaveOneOutJob
from soma_workflow.custom_jobs import CrossValidationFoldJob
from soma_workflow.client_types import Workflow
from soma_workflow.client_types import Group
from soma_workflow.client_types import FileTransfer
from soma_workflow.client_types import SharedResourcePath
from soma_workflow.client_types import TemporaryPath
from soma_workflow.client_types import SpecialPath
from soma_workflow.client_types import OptionPath
from soma_workflow import scheduler

[docs]class WorkflowController(object): ''' Submission, control and monitoring of Job, FileTransfer and Workflow objects. ''' _connection = None _engine_proxy = None _transfer = None _transfer_stdouterr = None config = None engine_config_proxy = None _resource_id = None scheduler_config = None
[docs] def __init__(self, resource_id=None, login=None, password=None, config=None, rsa_key_pass=None, isolated_light_mode=None): ''' Sets up the connection to the computing resource. Looks for a soma-workflow configuration file (if not specified in the *config* argument). .. note:: The login and password are only required for a remote computing resource. Parameters ---------- resource_id: str Identifier of the computing resource to connect to. If None, the number of cpu of the current machine is detected and the basic scheduler is lauched. login: str Required if the computing resource is remote. password: str Required if the computing resource is remote and not RSA key where configured to log on the remote machine with ssh. config: configuration.Configuration Optional configuration. rsa_key_pass: str Required if the RSA key is protected with a password. isolated_light_mode: None, str, or True if not None, work in a custom soma-workflow directory (database, transfers, temporary files...). If the isolated_light_mode parameter value is True, then generate a temporary directory for that. Otherwise the parameter should be a directory name which will be used instead of the default one. ''' if isolated_light_mode is not None: if isolated_light_mode is True: isolated_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='soma_workflow_') else: isolated_dir = isolated_light_mode resource_id = 'localhost' os.environ['SOMA_WORKFLOW_CONFIG'] = osp.join(isolated_dir, 'soma_workflow.cfg') db_file = osp.join(isolated_dir, 'soma-workflow.db') trans_dir = osp.join(isolated_dir, 'transfered_files') config = configuration.Configuration( 'localhost', 'light', 'local_basic', db_file, trans_dir) if isolated_light_mode is True: config._temp_config_dir = isolated_dir if config is None: self.config = configuration.Configuration.load_from_file( resource_id) else: self.config = config if resource_id is None: resource_id \ = configuration.Configuration.get_local_resource_id(config) if password == '': password = None self.scheduler_config = None mode = self.config.get_mode() self._resource_id = resource_id # LOCAL MODE if mode == configuration.LOCAL_MODE: print("soma-workflow starting in local mode") # setup logging (engine_log_dir, engine_log_format, engine_log_level) = self.config.get_engine_log_info() if engine_log_dir: logfilepath = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(engine_log_dir), "log_local_mode") log_dir = os.path.dirname(logfilepath) if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) logging.basicConfig( filename=logfilepath, format=engine_log_format, level=eval("logging." + engine_log_level)) trial = 0 ok = False # several attempts are sometimes needed here: # the local port is sometimes busy or something. # We must wait for a timeout and the subsequent # exception, then retry, and it often works... while not ok and trial < 3: trial += 1 try: self._connection = connection.LocalConnection( resource_id, "") print("Local connection established") ok = True except Exception: if trial == 2: raise'LocalConnection failed to establish ' '- trying again') import time time.sleep(1.) self._engine_proxy = self._connection.get_workflow_engine() self.engine_config_proxy = self._connection.get_configuration() self.scheduler_config = self._connection.get_scheduler_config() self._transfer = TransferLocal(self._engine_proxy) self._transfer_stdouterr = TransferLocal(self._engine_proxy) # REMOTE MODE elif mode == configuration.REMOTE_MODE: print("soma-workflow starting in remote mode") submitting_machines = self.config.get_submitting_machines() sub_machine = submitting_machines[random.randint( 0, len(submitting_machines) - 1)] cluster_address = self.config.get_cluster_address() if login is None: login = self.config.get_login() print('cluster address: %s, submission machine: %s, login: %s' % (cluster_address, sub_machine, login)) trial = 0 ok = False # several attempts are sometimes needed here: # the paramiko transport and tunnel sometimes does not start # correctly and remains silent (no communication can be done, no # error reported). We must wait for a timeout and the subsequent # exception, then retry, and it often works... while not ok and trial < 3: trial += 1 try: self._connection = connection.RemoteConnection( login, password, cluster_address, sub_machine, resource_id, "", rsa_key_pass, self.config) print("Remote connection established") ok = True except Exception: if trial == 2: raise'RemoteConnection failed to establish ' '- trying again') import time time.sleep(1.) self._engine_proxy = self._connection.get_workflow_engine() self.engine_config_proxy = self._connection.get_configuration() self.scheduler_config = self._connection.get_scheduler_config() if not password and not rsa_key_pass: self._transfer = TransferSCP(self._engine_proxy, username=login, hostname=sub_machine) else: self._transfer = PortableRemoteTransfer(self._engine_proxy) self._transfer_stdouterr = PortableRemoteTransfer( self._engine_proxy) # LIGHT MODE elif mode == configuration.LIGHT_MODE: print("soma-workflow starting in light mode") local_scdl_cfg_path \ = configuration.LocalSchedulerCfg.search_config_path() if local_scdl_cfg_path == None: cpu_count = Helper.cpu_count() self.scheduler_config = configuration.LocalSchedulerCfg( proc_nb=cpu_count) else: self.scheduler_config \ = configuration.LocalSchedulerCfg.load_from_file( local_scdl_cfg_path) self.config.set_scheduler_config(self.scheduler_config) self._engine_proxy = _embedded_engine_and_server(self.config) self.engine_config_proxy = self.config self._connection = None self._transfer = TransferLocal(self._engine_proxy) self._transfer_stdouterr = TransferLocal(self._engine_proxy) self._transfer_monitoring = TransferMonitoring(self._engine_proxy) print("Workflow controller initialised")
def __del__(self): print('del WorkflowController') self.stop_engine() #try: #import gc #gc.collect() #except Exception: #pass def get_scheduler_type(self): ''' Returns the scheduler type in the underlying engine ('local_basic', 'pbs', 'pbspro', 'drmaa' ...) ''' return self.engine_config_proxy.get_scheduler_type() def disconnect(self): ''' Simulates a disconnection for TEST PURPOSE ONLY. !!! The current instance will not be usable anymore after this call !!!! ''' if self._connection: self._connection.stop() self._connection = None def stop_engine(self): if hasattr(self, '_transfer_monitoring') \ and self._transfer_monitoring is not None: del self._transfer_monitoring if hasattr(self, '_transfer') and self._transfer is not None: del self._transfer if hasattr(self, '_transfer_stdouterr') \ and self._transfer_stdouterr is not None: del self._transfer_stdouterr if hasattr(self, 'engine_config_proxy') \ and self.engine_config_proxy is not None: del self.engine_config_proxy if hasattr(self, 'scheduler_config') \ and self.scheduler_config is not None: del self.scheduler_config if self._engine_proxy and self._engine_proxy is not None: if hasattr(self._engine_proxy, 'interrupt_after'): self._engine_proxy.interrupt_after(10.) try: self._engine_proxy.stop() except Exception: pass # cleanup anyway self._engine_proxy = None self.disconnect() # SUBMISSION / REGISTRATION ####################################
[docs] def submit_workflow(self, workflow, expiration_date=None, name=None, queue=None): ''' Submits a workflow and returns a workflow identifier. Raises *WorkflowError* or *JobError* if the workflow is not correct. Parameters ---------- workflow: client.Workflow Workflow description. expiration_date: *datetime.datetime* After this date the workflow will be deleted. name: str Optional workflow name. queue: str Optional name of the queue where to submit jobs. If it is not specified the jobs will be submitted to the default queue. Returns ------- Workflow_identifier: int ''' if self.engine_config_proxy.get_scheduler_type() \ == configuration.MPI_SCHEDULER: raise SomaWorkflowError( "The MPI scheduler is configured for this resource. " "Use soma_workflow.MPI_workflow_runner to submit a workflow " "using the MPI scheduler.") # cProfile.runctx("wf_id = self._engine_proxy.submit_workflow(workflow, # expiration_date, name, queue)", globals(), locals(), # "/home/soizic/profile/profile_submit_workflow") wf_id = self._engine_proxy.submit_workflow(workflow, expiration_date, name, queue) return wf_id
[docs] def register_transfer(self, file_transfer): ''' Registers a file transfer which is not part of a workflow and returns a file transfer identifier. Parameters ---------- file_transfer: client.FileTransfer Returns ------- transfer: EngineTransfer ''' engine_transfer = self._engine_proxy.register_transfer(file_transfer) return engine_transfer
[docs] def workflow(self, workflow_id): ''' Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the workflow_id is not valid Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow_identifier Returns ------- Workflow ''' return self._engine_proxy.workflow(workflow_id)
[docs] def workflows(self, workflow_ids=None): ''' Lists the identifiers and general information about all the workflows submitted by the user, or about the workflows specified in the *workflow_ids* argument. Parameters ---------- workflow_ids: sequence of workflow identifiers Returns ------- workflows: dictionary: workflow identifier -> tuple(date, string) workflow_id -> (workflow_name, expiration_date) ''' return self._engine_proxy.workflows(workflow_ids)
[docs] def jobs(self, job_ids=None): ''' Lists the identifiers and general information about all the jobs submitted by the user and which are not part of a workflow, or about the jobs specified in the *job_ids* argument. Parameters ---------- job_ids: sequence of job identifiers Returns ------- jobs: dictionary: job identifiers -> tuple(string, string, date) job_id -> (name, command, submission date) ''' return
[docs] def transfers(self, transfer_ids=None): ''' Lists the identifiers and information about all the user's file transfers which are not part of a workflow or about the file transfers specified in the *transfer_ids* argument. Parameters ---------- transfer_ids: sequence of FileTransfer identifiers Returns ------- transfers: dictionary: str -> tuple(str, date, None or sequence of str) transfer_id -> ( * client_path: client file or directory path * expiration_date: after this date the file copied on the computing resource and all the transfer information will be deleted, unless an existing job has declared this file as output or input. * client_paths: sequence of file or directory path or None) ''' return self._engine_proxy.transfers(transfer_ids)
# WORKFLOW MONITORING #########################################
[docs] def workflow_status(self, workflow_id): ''' Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the workflow_id is not valid Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier Returns ------- status: str or None Status of the workflow: see :ref:`workflow-status` or the constants.WORKFLOW_STATUS list. ''' return self._engine_proxy.workflow_status(workflow_id)
[docs] def workflow_elements_status(self, workflow_id, with_drms_id=True): ''' Gets back the status of all the workflow elements at once, minimizing the communication with the server and request to the database. TO DO => make it more user friendly. Note: in Soma-Workflow 3.0, the last job info (drmaa_id) has been added to job status tuple. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow_identifier with_drms_id: bool (optional, default=True) if True the DRMS id (drmaa_id) is also included in the returned tuple for each job. This info has been added in soma_workflow 3.0 and is thus optional to avoid breaking compatibility with earlier versions. Returns ------- status: tuple: * sequence of tuple (job_id, status, queue, exit_info, (submission_date, execution_date, ending_date, drmaa_id), [drms_id]), * sequence of tuple (transfer_id, (status, progression_info, engine_path, client_path, client_paths)), * workflow_status, * workflow_queue, * sequence of tuple (temp_path_id, engine_path, status) Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the workflow_id is not valid ''' wf_status = self._engine_proxy.workflow_elements_status( workflow_id, with_drms_id=with_drms_id) # special processing for transfer status: new_transfer_status = [] for transfer_id, engine_path, client_path, client_paths, status, \ transfer_type in wf_status[1]: progression = self._transfer_progression(status, transfer_type, client_path, client_paths, engine_path) new_transfer_status.append((transfer_id, (status, progression, engine_path, client_path, client_paths))) new_wf_status = ( wf_status[0], new_transfer_status, wf_status[2], wf_status[3], wf_status[4]) return new_wf_status
# JOB MONITORING #############################################
[docs] def job_status(self, job_id): ''' Parameters ---------- job_id: job identifier Returns ------- status: str Status of the job: see :ref:`job-status` or the list constants.JOB_STATUS. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the job_id is not valid ''' return self._engine_proxy.job_status(job_id)
def get_engine_job(self, job_id): return self._engine_proxy.get_engine_job(job_id) def get_job_command(self, job_id): ''' Get a job commandline from the database ''' return self._engine_proxy.get_job_command(job_id) def updated_job_parameters(self, job_id): return self._engine_proxy.updated_job_parameters(job_id) def get_job_output_params(self, job_id): return self._engine_proxy.get_job_output_params(job_id) def drms_job_id(self, wf_id, job_id): return self._engine_proxy.drms_job_id(wf_id, job_id)
[docs] def job_termination_status(self, job_id): ''' Information related to the end of the job. Parameters ---------- job_id: job identifier Returns ------- status: tuple(str, int or None, str or None, str) or None * exit status: status of the terminated job: see :ref:`job-exit-status` or the constants.JOB_EXIT_STATUS list. * exit value: operating system exit code of the job if the job terminated normally. * terminating signal: representation of the signal that caused the termination of the job if the job terminated due to the receipt of a signal. * resource usage: resource usage information provided as an array of strings where each string complies with the format <name>=<value>. The information provided depends on the DRMS and DRMAA implementation. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the job_id is not valid ''' return self._engine_proxy.job_termination_status(job_id)
[docs] def retrieve_job_stdouterr(self, job_id, stdout_file_path, stderr_file_path=None, buffer_size=512 ** 2): ''' Copies the job standard output and error to specified file. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the job_id is not valid Parameters ---------- job_id: job identifier stdout_file_path: str Path of the file where to copy the standard output. stderr_file_path: str Path of the file where to copy the standard error. buffer_size: int The file is transfered piece by piece of size buffer_size. ''' stdout_file_path = os.path.abspath(stdout_file_path) stderr_file_path = os.path.abspath(stderr_file_path) (engine_stdout_file, engine_stderr_file) = self._engine_proxy.stdouterr_file_path(job_id) self._transfer_stdouterr.transfer_from_remote(engine_stdout_file, stdout_file_path) self._transfer_stdouterr.transfer_from_remote(engine_stderr_file, stderr_file_path)
# FILE TRANSFER MONITORING ###################################
[docs] def transfer_status(self, transfer_id): ''' File transfer status and information related to the transfer progress. Parameters ---------- transfer_id: transfer identifier Returns ------- status: tuple(transfer_status or None, tuple or None) * Status of the file transfer : see :ref:`file-transfer-status` or the constants.FILE_TRANSFER_STATUS list. * None if the transfer status in not constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CLIENT_TO_CR or constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CR_TO_CLIENT. tuple (file size, size already transfered) if it is a file transfer. tuple (cumulated size, sequence of tuple (relative_path, file_size, size already transfered) if it is a directory transfer. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the transfer_id is not valid ''' (transfer_id, engine_path, client_path, expiration_date, workflow_id, client_paths, transfer_type, status) = self._engine_proxy.transfer_information(transfer_id) progression = self._transfer_progression(status, transfer_type, client_path, client_paths, engine_path) return (status, progression)
# WORKFLOW CONTROL ############################################
[docs] def restart_workflow(self, workflow_id, queue=None): ''' Restarts the jobs of the workflow which failed. The jobs will be submitted again. The workflow status has to be constants.WORKFLOW_DONE. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier queue: str Optional name of the queue where to submit jobs. If it is not specified the jobs will be submitted to the default queue. Returns ------- success: bool True if some jobs were restarted. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the workflow_id is not valid ''' if self.engine_config_proxy.get_scheduler_type() \ == configuration.MPI_SCHEDULER: raise SomaWorkflowError( "The MPI scheduler is configured for this resource. " "Use soma_workflow.MPI_workflow_runner to restart a workflow " "using the MPI scheduler.") return self._engine_proxy.restart_workflow(workflow_id, queue)
[docs] def delete_workflow(self, workflow_id, force=True): ''' Deletes the workflow and all its associated elements (FileTransfers and Jobs). The worklfow_id will become invalid and can not be used anymore. The workflow jobs which are running will be killed. If force is set to True: the call will block until the workflow is deleted. With force set to True, if the workflow can not be deleted properly it is deleted from Soma-workflow database. However, if some jobs are still running they are not be killed. In this case the return value is False. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow_identifier force: bool Returns ------- success: bool Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the workflow_id is not valid ''' # cProfile.runctx("self._engine_proxy.delete_workflow(workflow_id)", # globals(), locals(), "/home/soizic/profile/profile_delete_workflow") return self._engine_proxy.delete_workflow(workflow_id, force)
[docs] def stop_workflow(self, workflow_id): ''' Stops a workflow. The running jobs will be killed. The jobs in queues will be removed from queues. It will be possible to restart the workflow afterwards. Returns ------- success: bool returns True if the running jobs were killed and False if some jobs are possibly still running on the computing resource despite the workflow was stopped. ''' if self.engine_config_proxy.get_scheduler_type() \ == configuration.MPI_SCHEDULER: raise SomaWorkflowError( "The MPI scheduler is configured for this resource. " "Kill the soma_workflow.MPI_workflow_runner job to stop the " "workflow.") return self._engine_proxy.stop_workflow(workflow_id)
def stop_jobs(self, workflow_id, job_ids): return self._engine_proxy.stop_jobs(workflow_id, job_ids)
[docs] def restart_jobs(self, workflow_id, job_ids): return self._engine_proxy.restart_jobs(workflow_id, job_ids)
[docs] def change_workflow_expiration_date(self, workflow_id, new_expiration_date): ''' Sets a new expiration date for the workflow. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier new_expiration_date: datetime.datetime Returns ------- success: bool True if the expiration date was changed. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the workflow_id is not valid ''' return self._engine_proxy.change_workflow_expiration_date( workflow_id, new_expiration_date)
# JOB CONTROL #################################################
[docs] def wait_job(self, job_ids, timeout=-1): ''' Waits for all the specified jobs to finish. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the job_id is not valid Parameters ---------- job_ids: sequence of job identifier Jobs to wait for. timeout: int The call to wait_job exits before timeout seconds. A negative value means that the method will wait indefinetely. ''' self._engine_proxy.wait_job(job_ids, timeout)
[docs] def wait_workflow(self, workflow_id, timeout=-1): ''' Waits for the specified workflow to finish. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the job_id is not valid Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier Jobs to wait for. timeout: int The call to wait_job exits before timeout seconds. A negative value means that the method will wait indefinetely. ''' self._engine_proxy.wait_workflow(workflow_id, timeout)
def log_failed_workflow(self, workflow_id, file=sys.stderr): ''' If the workflow has any failed job, log their status and outputs in the given file. ''' workflow_status = self.workflow_status(workflow_id) if workflow_status != constants.WORKFLOW_DONE: print('** Workflow did not finish regularly: %s' % workflow_status, file=file) else: print('** Workflow status OK', file=file) elements_status = self.workflow_elements_status(workflow_id) failed_jobs = [element for element in elements_status[0] if element[1] == constants.FAILED or (element[1] == constants.DONE and (element[3][0] not in (constants.FINISHED_REGULARLY, None) or element[3][1] != 0))] failed_jobs_info = [element[0] for element in failed_jobs if element[3][0] != constants.EXIT_NOTRUN]) if len(failed_jobs) != 0: # failure print('** Jobs failure, the following jobs ended with failed ' 'status:', file=file) for element in failed_jobs: # skip those aborted for their dependencies if element[3][0] != constants.EXIT_NOTRUN: job = failed_jobs_info[element[0]] print('+ job:', job[0], ', status:', element[1], ', exit:', element[3][0], ', value:', element[3][1], file=file) print(' commandline:', file=file) print(job[1], file=file) print('\n** Failed jobs outputs:\n', file=file) # log outputs for element in failed_jobs: # skip those aborted for their dependencies if element[3][0] != constants.EXIT_NOTRUN: job = failed_jobs_info[element[0]] ejob = self.get_engine_job(element[0]) if ejob.env: env = dict(ejob.env) else: env = {} print('+ job %d:' % element[0], job[0], ', status:', element[1], ', exit:', element[3][0], ', value:', element[3][1], file=file) print( ' =================================================') print(' commandline:', file=file) print(' ------------:', file=file) print(job[1], file=file) print('\n input parameters:', file=file) print(' -----------------', file=file) print(repr(dict(self.updated_job_parameters(element[0]))), file=file) in_param_file = ejob.plain_input_params_file() if in_param_file: env['SOMAWF_INPUT_PARAMS'] = in_param_file out_param_file = ejob.plain_output_params_file() if out_param_file: env['SOMAWF_OUTPUT_PARAMS'] = out_param_file print('\n output parameters:', file=file) print(' ------------------', file=file) print(self.get_job_output_params(element[0]), file=file) print('\n environment:', file=file) print(' ------------', file=file) print(env, file=file) tmp_stdout = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='swf_job_stdout_') tmp_stderr = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='swf_job_stderr_') os.close(tmp_stdout[0]) os.close(tmp_stderr[0]) self.retrieve_job_stdouterr(element[0], tmp_stdout[1], tmp_stderr[1]) print('\n standard output:', file=file) print(' ----------------\n', file=file) with open(tmp_stdout[1]) as f: print(, file=file) os.unlink(tmp_stdout[1]) print('\n standard error:', file=file) print(' ---------------\n', file=file) with open(tmp_stderr[1]) as f: print(, file=file) os.unlink(tmp_stderr[1]) print(file=file) print('---- full host env ----', file=file) print(repr(os.environ)) return workflow_status == constants.WORKFLOW_DONE \ and len(failed_jobs) == 0 # FILE TRANSFER CONTROL #######################################
[docs] def transfer_files(self, transfer_ids, buffer_size=512 ** 2): ''' Transfer file(s) associated to the transfer_id. If the files are only located on the client side (that is the transfer status is constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT) the file(s) will be transfered from the client to the computing resource. If the files are located on the computing resource side (that is the transfer status is constants.FILES_ON_CR or constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT_AND_CR) the files will be transfered from the computing resource to the client. Parameters ---------- transfer_id: FileTransfer identifier buffer_size: int Depending on the transfer method, the files can be transfered piece by piece. The size of each piece can be tuned using the buffer_size argument. Returns ------- success: bool The transfer was done. (TBI right error management) Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the transfer_id is not valid ''' # Raises *TransferError* if not isinstance(transfer_ids, six.string_types): for transfer_id in transfer_ids: self._transfer_file(transfer_id, buffer_size) else: self._transfer_file(transfer_ids, buffer_size)
[docs] def delete_transfer(self, transfer_id): ''' Deletes the FileTransfer and the associated files and directories on the computing resource side. The transfer_id will become invalid and can not be used anymore. If some jobs reference the FileTransfer as an input or an output the FileTransfer will not be deleted immediately but as soon as these jobs will be deleted. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the transfer_id is not valid ''' self._engine_proxy.delete_transfer(transfer_id)
# PRIVATE ############################################# def _initialize_transfer(self, transfer_id): ''' Initializes the transfer and returns the transfer action information. Parameters ---------- transfer_id: FileTransfer identifier Returns ------- transfer: tuple transfer_type * (file_size, md5_hash) in the case of a file transfer * (cumulated_size, dictionary relative path -> (file_size, md5_hash)) in case of a directory transfer. Raises *UnknownObjectError* if the transfer_id is not valid ''' (transfer_id, engine_path, client_path, expiration_date, workflow_id, client_paths, transfer_type, status) = self._engine_proxy.transfer_information(transfer_id) if status == constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT: if not client_paths: if os.path.isfile(client_path): transfer_type = constants.TR_FILE_C_TO_CR self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CLIENT_TO_CR) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_type(transfer_id, transfer_type) elif os.path.isdir(client_path): transfer_type = constants.TR_DIR_C_TO_CR self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CLIENT_TO_CR) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_type( transfer_id, constants.TR_DIR_C_TO_CR) else: print("WARNING: The file or directory %s doesn't exist " "on the client machine." % (client_path)) else: # client_paths for path in client_paths: if not os.path.isfile(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): print("WARNING: The file or directory %s doesn't " "exist on the client machine." % (path)) transfer_type = constants.TR_MFF_C_TO_CR self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CLIENT_TO_CR) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_type(transfer_id, transfer_type) return transfer_type elif status == constants.FILES_ON_CR \ or status == constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT_AND_CR: # transfer_type = self._engine_proxy.init_transfer_from_cr(transfer_id, # client_path, # expiration_date, # workflow_id, # client_paths, # status) if not client_paths: if self._engine_proxy.is_file(engine_path): transfer_type = constants.TR_FILE_CR_TO_C elif self._engine_proxy.is_dir(engine_path): transfer_type = constants.TR_DIR_CR_TO_C else: print("WARNING: The file or directory %s doesn't exist " "on the computing resource side." % (engine_path)) else: # client_paths engine_dir = os.path.dirname(engine_path) for path in client_paths: relative_path = os.path.basename(path) r_path = posixpath.join(engine_dir, relative_path) if not self._engine_proxy.is_file(r_path) and \ not self._engine_proxy.is_dir(r_path): print("WARNING: The file or directory %s doesn't " "exist on the computing resource side." % (r_path)) transfer_type = constants.TR_MFF_CR_TO_C self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CR_TO_CLIENT) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_type(transfer_id, transfer_type) return transfer_type def _transfer_file(self, transfer_id, buffer_size): (transfer_id, engine_path, client_path, expiration_date, workflow_id, client_paths, transfer_type, status) = self._engine_proxy.transfer_information(transfer_id) if status == constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT or \ status == constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CLIENT_TO_CR: # transfer from client to computing resource # overwrite = False # if not transfer_type or \ # transfer_type == constants.TR_FILE_CR_TO_C or \ # transfer_type == constants.TR_DIR_CR_TO_C or \ # transfer_type == constants.TR_MFF_CR_TO_C: # transfer reset # overwrite = True transfer_type = self._initialize_transfer(transfer_id) remote_path = engine_path if transfer_type == constants.TR_FILE_C_TO_CR or \ transfer_type == constants.TR_DIR_C_TO_CR: self._transfer.transfer_to_remote(client_path, remote_path) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT_AND_CR) self._engine_proxy.signalTransferEnded( transfer_id, workflow_id) return True if transfer_type == constants.TR_MFF_C_TO_CR: for path in client_paths: relative_path = os.path.basename(path) r_path = posixpath.join(remote_path, relative_path) self._transfer.transfer_to_remote(path, r_path) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT_AND_CR) self._engine_proxy.signalTransferEnded( transfer_id, workflow_id) return True if status == constants.FILES_ON_CR or \ status == constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CR_TO_CLIENT or \ status == constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT_AND_CR: # transfer from computing resource to client # overwrite = False # if not transfer_type or \ # transfer_type == constants.TR_FILE_C_TO_CR or \ # transfer_type == constants.TR_DIR_C_TO_CR or \ # transfer_type == constants.TR_MFF_C_TO_CR : # TBI remove existing files # overwrite = True transfer_type = self._initialize_transfer(transfer_id) remote_path = engine_path if transfer_type == constants.TR_FILE_CR_TO_C or \ transfer_type == constants.TR_DIR_CR_TO_C: # file case self._transfer.transfer_from_remote(remote_path, client_path) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT_AND_CR) self._engine_proxy.signalTransferEnded( transfer_id, workflow_id) return True if transfer_type == constants.TR_MFF_CR_TO_C: for path in client_paths: relative_path = os.path.basename(path) r_path = posixpath.join(remote_path, relative_path) self._transfer.transfer_from_remote(r_path, path) self._engine_proxy.set_transfer_status( transfer_id, constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT_AND_CR) self._engine_proxy.signalTransferEnded( transfer_id, workflow_id) return True return False def _transfer_progression(self, status, transfer_type, client_path, client_paths, engine_path): if status == constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CLIENT_TO_CR: if transfer_type == constants.TR_MFF_C_TO_CR: data_size = 0 data_transfered = 0 for path in client_paths: relative_path = os.path.basename(path) r_path = posixpath.join(engine_path, relative_path) (ds, dt) \ = self._transfer_monitoring.transfer_to_remote_progression( path, r_path) data_size = data_size + ds data_transfered = data_transfered + dt progression = (data_size, data_transfered) else: progression \ = self._transfer_monitoring.transfer_to_remote_progression( client_path, engine_path) elif status == constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CR_TO_CLIENT: if transfer_type == constants.TR_MFF_CR_TO_C: data_size = 0 data_transfered = 0 for path in client_paths: relative_path = os.path.basename(path) r_path = posixpath.join(engine_path, relative_path) (ds, dt) = self._transfer_monitoring.transfer_from_remote_progression(r_path, path) data_size = data_size + ds data_transfered = data_transfered + dt progression = (data_size, data_transfered) else: progression = self._transfer_monitoring.transfer_from_remote_progression( engine_path, client_path) else: progression = (100, 100) return progression
def _embedded_engine_and_server(config): ''' Creates the workflow engine and workflow database server in the client process. The client process can not finish before the workflows and jobs are done. Using serveral client process simultaneously (thus several database server with the same database file) can cause error (notably database locked problems) Parameters ---------- config: configuration.Configuration Returns ------- engine: WorkflowEngine ''' import logging from soma_workflow.engine import WorkflowEngine, ConfiguredWorkflowEngine from soma_workflow.database_server import WorkflowDatabaseServer # configure logging log_config = {'version': 1} (engine_log_dir, engine_log_format, engine_log_level) = config.get_engine_log_info() if engine_log_dir: logfilepath = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(engine_log_dir), "log_light_mode") log_config['loggers'] = { 'engine': { 'level': eval("logging." + engine_log_level), 'handlers': ['engine'], 'propagate': False, } } log_config['handlers'] = { 'engine': { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'filename': logfilepath, 'level': eval("logging." + engine_log_level), 'formatter': 'engine', } } log_config['formatters'] = { 'engine': { 'format': engine_log_format, } } (server_log_file, server_log_format, server_log_level) = config.get_server_log_info() if server_log_file: log_config.setdefault('loggers', {})['jobServer'] = { 'level': eval("logging." + server_log_level), 'handlers': ['jobServer'], 'propagate': False, } log_config.setdefault('handlers', {})['jobServer'] = { 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'filename': server_log_file, 'level': eval("logging." + server_log_level), 'formatter': 'jobServer', } log_config.setdefault('formatters', {})['jobServer'] = { 'format': server_log_format, } if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(server_log_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(server_log_file)) import logging.config logging.config.dictConfig(log_config) if engine_log_dir: logger = logging.getLogger('engine')" ")"****************************************************")"****************************************************") if server_log_file: logger = logging.getLogger('jobServer')" ")"****************************************************")"****************************************************") # database server database_server = WorkflowDatabaseServer(config.get_database_file(), config.get_transfered_file_dir(), remove_orphan_files=config.get_remove_orphan_files()) sch = scheduler.build_scheduler(config.get_scheduler_type(), config) workflow_engine = ConfiguredWorkflowEngine(database_server, sch, config) return workflow_engine class Helper(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def list_failed_jobs(workflow_id, wf_ctrl, include_aborted_jobs=False, include_user_killed_jobs=False, include_statuses=None): ''' To spot the problematic jobs in a workflow. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier include_aborted_jobs: bool Include the jobs which exit status is constants.EXIT_ABORTED and constants.EXIT_NOTRUN include_user_killed_jobs: bool Include the jobs which exit status is constants.USER_KILLED include_statuses: sequence or None Get failed jobs with exit status in this list/set. Ignore ``include_aborted_jobs`` and ``include_user_killed_jobs`` parameters. Returns ------- jobs: list of job identifier Returns the list of id of job which status is constants.FAILED or which exit value is not 0. ''' (jobs_info, transfers_info, workflow_status, workflow_queue, transfers_temp_info) = wf_ctrl.workflow_elements_status( workflow_id, with_drms_id=True) failed_job_ids = [] if include_statuses is None: include_statuses = set(constants.JOB_EXIT_STATUS) if not include_user_killed_jobs: include_statuses.remove(constants.USER_KILLED) if not include_aborted_jobs: include_statuses.remove(constants.EXIT_ABORTED) include_statuses.remove(constants.EXIT_NOTRUN) for (job_id, status, queue, exit_info, dates, drmaa_id) in jobs_info: if(status == constants.DONE and exit_info[1] != 0) or \ (status == constants.FAILED and exit_info[0] in include_statuses): failed_job_ids.append(job_id) return failed_job_ids
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_all_workflows(wf_ctrl, force=True): ''' Delete all the workflows. If force is set to True: the call will block until the workflows are deleted. With force set to True, if a workflow can not be deleted properly it is deleted from Soma-workflow database. However, if some jobs are still running they will not be killed. In this case the return value is False. Parameters ---------- wf_ctrl: client.WorkflowController force: bool Returns ------- success: bool ''' deleted_properly = True while wf_ctrl.workflows(): wf_id = next(iter(wf_ctrl.workflows().keys())) deleted_properly = deleted_properly and wf_ctrl.delete_workflow( wf_id, force) return deleted_properly
[docs] @staticmethod def wait_workflow(workflow_id, wf_ctrl): ''' Waits for workflow execution to end. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier wf_ctrl: client.WorkflowController ''' wf_ctrl.wait_workflow(workflow_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def transfer_input_files(workflow_id, wf_ctrl, buffer_size=512 ** 2): ''' Transfers all the input files of a workflow. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier wf_ctrl: client.WorkflowController buffer_size: int Depending on the transfer method, the files can be transfered piece by piece. The size of each piece can be tuned using the buffer_size argument. ''' transfer_info = None wf_elements_status = wf_ctrl.workflow_elements_status(workflow_id) to_transfer = [] for transfer_info in wf_elements_status[1]: status = transfer_info[1][0] if status == constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT: engine_path = transfer_info[0] to_transfer.append(engine_path) if status == constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CLIENT_TO_CR: engine_path = transfer_info[0] to_transfer.append(engine_path) wf_ctrl.transfer_files(to_transfer, buffer_size)
[docs] @staticmethod def transfer_output_files(workflow_id, wf_ctrl, buffer_size=512 ** 2): ''' Transfers all the output files of a workflow which are ready to transfer. Parameters ---------- workflow_id: workflow identifier wf_ctrl: client.WorkflowController buffer_size: int Depending on the transfer method, the files can be transfered piece by piece. The size of each piece can be tuned using the buffer_size argument. ''' transfer_info = None wf_elements_status = wf_ctrl.workflow_elements_status(workflow_id) to_transfer = [] for transfer_info in wf_elements_status[1]: status = transfer_info[1][0] if status == constants.FILES_ON_CR: engine_path = transfer_info[0] to_transfer.append(engine_path) if status == constants.TRANSFERING_FROM_CR_TO_CLIENT: engine_path = transfer_info[0] to_transfer.append(repr(engine_path)) wf_ctrl.transfer_files(to_transfer, buffer_size)
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize(file_path, workflow): ''' Saves a workflow to a file. Uses JSON format. Raises *SerializationError* in case of failure Parameters ---------- file_path: str workflow: client.Workflow ''' from soma_workflow import utils try: file = open(file_path, "w") workflow_dict = workflow.to_dict() json.dump(utils.to_json(workflow_dict), file, indent=4) file.close() except Exception as e: six.reraise(SerializationError, SerializationError("%s: %s" % (type(e), e)), sys.exc_info()[2])
[docs] @staticmethod def unserialize(file_path): ''' Loads a workflow from a file. Opens JSON format or pickle (see the method: Helper.convert_wf_file_for_p2_5). Parameters ---------- file_path: str Returns ------- workflow: client.Workflow Raises *SerializationError* in case of failure ''' from soma_workflow import utils try: file = open(file_path, "r") except Exception as e: raise SerializationError("%s: %s" % (type(e), e)) workflow = None try: dict_from_json = utils.from_json(json.load(file)) except ValueError as e: pass else: workflow = Workflow.from_dict(dict_from_json) if not workflow: file.close() file = open(file_path, "r") try: workflow = pickle.load(file) except Exception as e: raise SerializationError("%s: %s" % (type(e), e)) try: file.close() except Exception as e: raise SerializationError("%s: %s" % (type(e), e)) # compatibility with version 2.2 and previous for job in if not hasattr(job, "native_specification"): job.native_specification = None return workflow
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_wf_file_for_p2_5(origin_file_path, target_file_path): ''' This method requires Python >= 2.6. It converts a workflow file created using Python >= 2.6 to workflow file usable in Python 2.5. ''' from soma_workflow import utils try: o_file = open(origin_file_path, "r") dict_from_json = utils.from_json(json.load(o_file)) workflow = Workflow.from_dict(dict_from_json) o_file.close() t_file = open(target_file_path, "w") pickle.dump(workflow, t_file) t_file.close() except Exception as e: SerializationError("%s: %s" % (type(e), e))
@staticmethod def cpu_count(): """ Detects the number of CPUs on a system. """ return configuration.cpu_count()