Sulci Recognition


General process for sulci recognition. This process allows to switch between several possible methods for sulci identification, performing one hemisphere. There is an even more general version, for both hemishperes, called Sulci Recognition (2 hemispheres).

Warning: in BrainVISA version 5.0 and later,

Sulci are identified according to a model. The current models are based on a nomenclature which is described here, on the BrainVISA website, and a probabilistic atlas of the sulci is also provided there.


data_graph: Data graph ( input )
output_graph: Labelled Cortical folds graph ( output )
fix_random_seed: Boolean ( input )

Technical information

Toolbox : Morphologist

User level : 0

Identifier : recognitionGeneral

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/morphologist/processes/Sulci/Recognition/

Supported file formats :

data_graph :
Graph and data, Graph and data
output_graph :
Graph and data, Graph and data